Found 2 results
ICZN, “Opinion 2437: Trochus (Osilinus?) capillaceus Philippi, 1849 (currently Cantharidus capillaceus; Mollusca, Gastropoda, Trochoidea): precedence given over Trochus episcopus Hombron & Jacquinot, 1848”, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol. 76, pp. , 2019.
The International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature has conserved the usage of the specific name of Trochus (Osilinus?) capillaceus Philippi, 1849 (currently Cantharidus capillaceus ) by giving it precedence over its senior subjective synonym Trochus episcopus Hombron & Jacquinot, 1848.
Marshall, B. A., Beu, A. G., Ponder, W. F., Spencer, H. G., Walton, K., Willan, R. C., “Case 3706: Trochus (Osilinus ?) capillaceus Philippi, 1849 (currently Cantharidus capillaceus; Mollusca, Gastropoda, Trochoidea): proposed conservation of the specific name”, Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature, vol. 74, pp. , 2017.
The purpose of this application, under Article 23.9.3 of the Code, is to conserve the specific name of the well-known species Cantharidus capillaceus (Philippi, 1849), a common marine gastropod from southern New Zealand and Macquarie Island. The name is threatened by the senior subjective synonym Trochus....
ICZN is supported by the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum, National University of Singapore (Company Registration No. 200604346E).
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