International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature

Thierry Bourgoin


Area of Taxonomic Interest: Hemiptera

Country: France


Elected: December 2015, see BZN 73 (1): 2.

Summary of Research & Education:

After 2 years as engineer entomologist at CIRAD, a PhD at the MNHN (1985), and 4 years as scientific manager at OPIE, Thierry Bourgoin joined MNHN-Paris as research scientist in 1989. He is currently professor in the research unit UMR 7205 MNHN-CNRS-UPMC-EPHE (ISYEB, Institut Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité) and has published over 200 publications, reports & communications. His research and activities are organized around 3 mains issues:

Scientific activities: Exploration & Description of Biodiversity
Planthoppers (Insecta, Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha) are mainly used as the model for his research activities in evolution, but also insects in general. Main focuses are systematic & phylogeny with expertise in morphology, fossils & biogeography, trophobiosis & insect plant relationships. Field researches are mainly around the Indian Ocean.

Science policy: Promoting Taxonomy
Beside research, he always took part in promoting Taxonomy and Systematics, being involved with various national or international initiatives related to taxonomy (Société Française de Systématique, FRB, CETAF, MSEF, Species 2000-ITIS Catalogue of Life, GBIF, GTI, ...).

Reporting biodiversity: Collections & Databasing - Focussing on Primary Data and Taxonomy
Deputy Director for the MNHN collections (2005-2012) and head of the Hemiptera collections (+7M specimens), he is involved with digitisation and collection databasing issues and in taxonomy of planthoppers. Since 1996, Thierry Bourgoin e-delivers FLOW (Fulgoromorpha Lists On the Web), a knowledge base and global systematic database about planthoppers (13.2K species, 26.5K species names).

Contact Details:

Pr Thierry Bourgoin
Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle
     Tel: +336 7192 7634

     Institut Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité (ISYEB)
     Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne Universités
     CP 50, 57 Rue Cuvier, F-75005, Paris, France
     Tel:  + 33 / (0) 1 4079 3396
     Fax: + 33 / (0) 1 4079 3699