International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature

Neal Evenhuis


Area of Taxonomic Interest: Diptera

Country: United States


Elected: December 2015, see BZN 73 (1): 2.

Neal Evenhuis’s research is primarily focused on  taxonomy and systematics of two-winged insects (Diptera) with special emphasis on the Bombyliidae, Mythicomyiidae, Dolichopodidae, and Strongylophthalmyiidae. He also specializes in bibliographic research focusing on obtaining dates of publication to ascertain priority of names and is a co-editor ofn the Systema Dipterorum, which contains about a quarter of a million name records representing some 170,000 valid species.

Summary of Research & Education:

Neal gained his PhD (1988) in entomology from the University of Hawaii under the mentorship of Dr. D. Elmo Hardy. He has been employed at the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum in Honolulu since 1976 and has published over 700 papers and described over 700 species. He is currently Senior Curator of Entomology.

Contact Details:

Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
Department of Natural Sciences
1525 Bernice Street
Honolulu, Hawaii 96817-2704
Phone: +1 808 848-4138
Fax: +1 08 847-8252
E-mail: NealE (at) bishopmuseum (dot) org